Everyone goes to the rapture download
Everyone goes to the rapture download

everyone goes to the rapture download

Recent history teaches how unruly people can become when the infrastructure they are so used to collapses, even for a brief time.

everyone goes to the rapture download

Generally, the Rapture and the resulting calamities will send the world reeling. If the Rapture were to occur today, the United States would be particularly affected, as would South Korea, Canada, and other countries with large numbers of born-again Christians. Considering the millions of Christians who will be raptured worldwide, the devastation to the economies, militaries, and social structures of nations could be potentially significant.

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All born-again believers will have disappeared. The period from the Rapture to the start of the Tribulation will undoubtedly play an important role in establishing the Antichrist’s reign. Consequently, it would seem the transition from the Church Age to the resumption of Daniel’s seventy weeks (see David M. 2:14–15) to the beginning of the Church Age (Acts 2). An indication of this possibility is the period of transition from the end of the era of Law (Eph. One can only speculate on the length of time between the Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation. That event will be the confirmation of a peace accord between Israel and her eventual enemies, principally, the Antichrist (Dan. However, the Rapture is not the event that marks the beginning of the Tribulation. The Rapture of the church will precede the seven years commonly known as the Tribulation period. What will it be like on earth after the Rapture? What if the Rapture occurs in our lifetime? What effect will the Rapture have on the Middle East? The economy? The nations? Political systems? The religions of the world? The Bible has much to say on these issues and can help Christians put this exciting event and its consequences into perspective. 4:16–17), ending forever the Church Age that began at Pentecost and leaving behind a world of stunned and unregenerate people. 15:52), true believers will disappear to meet the Lord in the air (1 Th. These and many other similar reports may well become the headlines in newspapers around the world after the Lord Jesus Christ raptures His church. Millions vanish! Confusion reigns! World religious leaders divided about event!

Everyone goes to the rapture download